How to Import & Export Audio / MIDI in FL Studio + Settings

Audio and MIDI make up the major building blocks of modern-day music production. Working together, the two elements have simplified the process of music creation, and paired with other resources available to producers today, have bridged most obstacles that our predecessors faced.

Let’s go over the various ways to import and export audio and MIDI in FL Studio.

How to Import & Export Audio

First, let’s start off with Audio.

Importing Audio into FL Studio

There are two ways to import audio into FL Studio.

Method 1: Drag and Drop the Audio File into FL Studio

Step 1: Open FL Studio on your computer. Once it is open, minimize it by clicking on the minimize button located on either the right or left corner.

minimimze button FL Studio

Step 2: Open the file explorer and navigate to the location of the audio file you want to import.

locate audio file in file explorer

Step 3: Now, click and hold on the audio and drag it into the playlist.

audio dragged onto playlist FL Studio

Vola! The audio has been imported into FL Studio.

Note: If you can’t drag audio into the playlist, open FL with administrative privileges disabled.

Method 2: Importing Audio through the Channel Rack

Step 1: Click on ‘Add’ located on the main toolbar.

Add in toolbar FL Studio

Step 2: From the menu that opens go to Misc>Audio clip.

add audio clip FL Studio

A sampler channel will be added awaiting audio to be imported.

audio clip sampler FL Studio

Step 4: Click on the folder icon in the sampler shown below.

folder icon in sampler FL Studio

This opens the file explorer.

FL Studio opens file explorer

Step 5: Locate your sample, select it, and click ‘Open’.

locate audio file to import

Step 6: Once the audio file is loaded, click on it on the picker panel.

audio file in panel picker FL Studio

Then, drag it onto the playlist.

audio file in playlist FL Studio

Exporting Audio from FL Studio

Step 1: When you’re ready to export your track, click on ‘File’ in the toolbar then go to export.

File in toolbar FL Studio

Select the type of audio file to be exported from the options.

file export FL Studio

Step 2: You will be prompted to select a folder to export the audio to. Navigate to your desired folder, select it, and click ‘Save’.

choose audio export destination

Step 3: A window will pop up with more export settings.

export settings window FL Studio

Audio Export Settings

Let’s go over the settings required to get the highest quality when exporting audio in FL Studio. FL Studio can export 4 types of audio files, WAV, MP3, OGG, and FLAC.

Export multiple file types by clicking on the button next to the file type’s name.

file type to export FL Studio

For WAV files, set the WAV bit depth to either 24Bit or 32Bit and make sure it is set to stereo.

WAV export settings FL Studio

WAV files are lossless forms of audio meaning the audio’s quality is not affected when exporting. Use this if further processing/mixing is to be done to the audio.

FLAC (Format Lossless Audio Codec) is also lossless form of audio. The audio in FLAC format is just as high quality as a WAV file, but data compression is applied to reduce the audio file’s size. It is recommended to use 24Bit.

FLAC export settings FL Studio

Use the FLAC compression fader to change the level of compression. This won’t affect the audio’s quality; it only affects the audio file’s size. Set the compression to match your desired file size.

FLAC compression fader FL Studio

For MP3, make sure the MP3 bitrate is set between 256-320kbps. Increase the bitrate by dragging the ‘MP3 bitrate’ fader to the right. 320kbps is the highest quality for MP3 files. MP3 is not lossless meaning some quality of the audio will be lost during compression when exporting. Do not use it if further processing is to be applied to the audio.

MP3 export settings FL Studio

OGG is also not a lossless format. It will sacrifice some metadata to keep the file size small. If you’re looking for a step up from the quality of an MP3 file, but without the large space taken up by lossless formats, then OGG is the way to go. Set the OGG bitrate to 450kbps for the highest quality.

OGG export settings FL Studio

The ‘Quality’ section affects processing inside FL Studio’s plug-ins.

quality export settings section FL Studio

These don’t create a big difference on the exported file’s quality, however, I like to ensure that my resampling quality is set to a value in the high quality section.

quality export settings FL Studio

Under Miscellaneous settings, we’ll only discuss the settings to the right since only they affect the audio quality exported.

miscellaneous export settings FL Studio

Activate Split mixer tracks’ if you want to export the project stems.

Always make sure ‘Trim PDC silence’ is enabled, otherwise, there might be some seconds of silence before the track begins.

Enable insert effects’ applies the effects applied on the mixer when exporting.

Enable master effects’ applies the effects applied on the master when exporting.

How to Import & Export MIDI

Importing MIDI into FL Studio.

There are two ways to import MIDI into FL Studio.

Method 1: Importing Single Channel MIDI

Step 1: Open your channel’s piano roll by right clicking on it in the channel rack and selecting ‘Piano roll’.

open piano roll FL Studio

Step 2: Once on the piano roll, click on the arrow located on the top right corner.

piano roll main menu FL Studio

Then go to File>Import MIDI file.

import MIDI file FL Studio

Step 3: Find the MIDI file using the file explorer and click ‘Open’.

locate MIDI file to import

The MIDI data will be imported into the piano roll.

MIDI data on piano roll FL Studio

Method 2: Importing Multi-Channel MIDI Files

For multi-channel MIDI files:

Step 1: Click on ‘FILE’ in the main toolbar and go to Import>MIDI file.

import multi-channel MIDI file FL Studio

Step 2: Locate your MIDI file using the file explorer and click ‘Open’. The Import MIDI Data window will pop up.

import MIDI data FL Studio

Step 3: Click on the dialogue box next to ‘Which tracks to import’ to select the tracks to import. I’ll leave it on ‘All tracks’.

which tracks to import FL Studio

Enable ‘Start new project’ to load the MIDI data to a new project. Disable it to import the MIDI to the project you’re currently working on.

Step 4: Click ‘Accept’ when done and the MIDI data will be imported.

channel rack FL Studio

Exporting MIDI

Step 1: Go to the piano roll where the MIDI to be exported is located.

open piano roll FL Studio

Step 2: Click on the arrow on the top left corner of the piano roll then, go to File>Export as MIDI file.

export MIDI file FL Studio

Step 3: Select a destination folder for the MIDI file then click ‘Save’.

save MIDI file


You should now be able to import and export both MIDI and audio in FL Studio with ease. Till next time, have fun creating!

Gasgoine K
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